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The latest news from the CS&S Event Fund. 

Aug 3, 2020

Taking summer school online

This post summarizes a conversation with Marta Lloret of The European Bioinformatics Institute

Jul 27, 2020

An online community conference with a llama livecast

This post summarizes insights from a conversation with Jessica Hardwicke, Jo Barratt, and Serah Rono, csv,conf,v5 about shifting to a virtual conference.

Jul 13, 2020

Scaling up online R courses

This post summarizes insights from a conversation between Emily Lescak (former Event Fund manager) with Sheri Sanders and Carrie Ganote, National Center for Genome Analysis Support, Indiana University

Jul 6, 2020

Taking the Salish Sea Institute Conference online: Increasing access by eliminating travel barriers

This post summarizes insights from a conversation between Emily Lescak (former Event Fund manager), Chelsea Bodamer and Adam Lorio, Western Washington University.

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