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Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

The CS&S Event Fund invests in emerging community leaders around the world to support the organizing of events that broaden participation in open data science. Our program aims to strengthen community-driven infrastructures for data science that shift power to historically marginalized communities.

See the events we have supported!

We support a global community of data science leaders and rely on two committees towards this aim:

  • The Advisory Committee is composed of members recruited from mid to senior levels with complementary expertise and experiences in community organizing, data and information sciences, and fundraising. The Advisory Committee oversees the governance, operations, and strategy of the Fund.
  • The Selection Committee is composed of open data science champions with proven track records as strong community organizers who promote diversity, inclusion, and accessibility. Grant funding decisions rest with the Selection Committee, and members serve for three selection cycles and receive an honorarium for their time.

Earlier this year, the Event Fund held an open nomination period to invite new members to our committees. We received 27 nominations of stellar candidates and were excited to see how much interest there is to grow and further establish the Fund. While we could not invite everyone to join at this time, committee members will continue to cycle off as they complete their terms, and we are looking forward to involving new community members in the growth of the Fund. Read on to learn more about our new incoming members!

We want to thank outgoing committee members for their energy and service to the Fund:

  • Advisory Committee member Dr. Micaela Parker, Academic Data Science Alliance
  • Advisory Committee member Dr. Kari Jordan, The Carpentries
  • Advisory Committee member Josh Greenberg, Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
  • Selection Committee member Serah Rono, Spotify
  • Selection Committee member Dr. Hao Ye, University of Florida

Being a Community Advised Fund means members from the broader data science community direct the fund’s strategy and funding priorities. CS&S is excited to test how participatory grant-making models can help shift and redistribute power. Learn more about Event Fund governance.

New Advisory Committee Members

Dr. Malvika Sharan

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Dr. Malvika Sharan is a Senior Researcher at the Tools, Practices and Systems research program in The Alan Turing Institute. She is also a co-founder and co-lead of the Open Life Science program, one of the first Event Fund grantees (2020), which helps researchers integrate open research practices in their work and become Open Science ambassadors in their communities. Besides her experience supporting the next generation of Open Science leaders, Malvika also brings insight and perspective as a previous Event Fund Selection Committee member (2020-2022). Learn more about Malvika’s work here.

Dr. Raed Sharif

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Dr. Raed Sharif is a Senior Regional Programme Manager at The SecDev Foundation in Ottawa, where he leads a program on digital rights and resilience for women and youth in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). With nearly two decades of experience as a researcher, practitioner and educator, he has extensive experience working in the international funding landscape of open science movements. Learn more about Raed’s work here.

Continuing Committee Members

  • Robin Champieux, Oregon Health and Science University (Committee Chair)
  • Stefanie Butland, Openscapes
  • Chris Mentzel, Stanford University
  • Dr. Tracy Teal, RStudio

New Selection Committee Members

Gilbert Beyamba

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Gilbert Beyamba is the Director of Programs at Pollicy, an award-winning East African feminist civic technology collective. He was also a lead organizer of DataFest Africa, one of the first Event Fund grantees (2020), which was a multi-day conference in East and West Africa that brought together individuals from a diverse array of backgrounds to discuss the integral role that data plays in everyday life. Learn more about Gilbert’s work here.

Dr. Stephen Klusza

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Dr. Stephen Klusza is an Assistant Professor of Biology at Clayton State University. He works to improve accessibility in academia for students with disabilities, building educational resources to dismantle existing barriers and creating opportunities to facilitate entry into research. He is also heavily involved in disability/diversity advocacy, serving in several diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) committees for the Genomics Education Partnership and Genetics Society of America, as well as consulting for the Personal Genome Education Project and NASA Transform to Open Science. Learn more about Stephen’s work here.

Kathleen Siminyu

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Kathleen Siminyu is an AI researcher focused on Natural Language Processing for African Languages. She works at the Mozilla Foundation as a Machine Learning Fellow, supporting the development of a Kiswahili Common Voice dataset and building speech transcription models for end-use cases in the agricultural and financial domains. She is also a board member of the Masakhane Research Foundation which attends to questions of language diversity and representation in NLP datasets. Learn more about Kathleen’s work here.

Dr. Reina Camacho Toro

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Dr. Reina Camacho Toro is an experimental particle physicist and digital education specialist. She brings with her an extensive knowledge of mathematical modeling, statistical analysis, and software development. Reina is deputy coordinator of the Erasmus+ capacity building program Latin American alliance for Capacity buildiNG in Advance physics (LA-CoNGA physics). She was also an organizer for the LA-CoNGA Physics Hackathon, an Event Fund-supported multi-day hackathon aiming to strengthen the links between academia and industry and to promote open science principles. Learn more about Reina’s work here.

Dr. Angelique Trusler

Welcoming New Event Fund Committee Members!

Dr. Angelique Trusler, African Capacity Development Manager at The Carpentries, works to expand their extensive network across Africa. She is also an Extraordinary Researcher at the Optentia Research Focus Area, North-West University. She was the lead organizer of CarpentryConnect South Africa, one of the first Event Fund grantees (2020), which worked to bring together a community of individuals dedicated towards teaching digital and computational literacy in Africa. Learn more about Angelique’s work here.

Continuing Committee Members

  • Dr. Lilly Winfree, (Committee Chair)
  • Dr. Laura Ación, MetaDocencia / CONICET

Featured Image by Dennis Yu on Unsplash