The Future of Open Scholarly Infrastructure

Code for Science & Society is proud to participate in Invest In Open Infrastructure (IOI), a global initiative to increase the availability and sustainability of open knowledge infrastructure.

We believe that for the future of global scholarship, the scholarly process must be locked open. What does this mean? Committing to placing collaboration over competition in the ecosystem of open tools and projects. Prioritizing the development and maintenance of community-centered, open source products for scholarship. Questioning our prior assumptions about meaningful inclusion and data sovereignty.

Our work sponsoring projects, building resources for the ecosystem of open scholarship, and our research into open source sustainability has shown us the value of collaboration. Today, IOI brings together initiatives building community-driven projects that enable a durable, scalable and thriving open scientific and scholarly infrastructure serving the needs of global communities.

Through this formal alignment we have a unique opportunity to further this mission.

Learn more and get involved at